Glossary of Keyboarding and Technology Terms meaning




Glossary of Keyboarding and Technology Terms meaning


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Glossary of Keyboarding and Technology Terms meaning

ACCURACY - a measure of error in keyboarding
ARROW KEYS - keys used to move the cursor up, down, left, or right around screen
BACKSPACE KEY - key used to back up and erase the character or space to the left of the cursor
BAR CODE READER - electronic input device that uses light to reflect a printed bar code to produce images or information
BOLD - characters shown with thicker, darker strokes
BROWSER - software used to access the World Wide Web (Internet) to view text, as well as a variety of other media type
CD - compact disc; typically contains only audio
CD-ROM - compact disc that contains a variety of types of computer data
CPU - (Central Processing Unit) component of a computer system where programs actually operate
CALCULATOR - an electronic device, which performs mathematical calculations
CAPS LOCK KEY - key pressed to turn everything you type into capital letters
CLICK - to press and release a button on your mouse
CLICK AND DRAG - holding down the left mouse button while moving the mouse/cursor
COMBINATION KEYS - two keys used together, such as the shift key and the number 1 to make an exclamation point
CONTROL KEY - a key used to give another set of commands. Control (ctrl) commands are commonly used shortcuts. For example, pressing Ctrl+S in many programs saves a document in the same fashion as selecting Save from the File menu.
COPY - to make an exact duplicate of information in a document so it can be placed in a new location
CURSOR - visually distinct mark that shows the point on a display screen where the next letter, number, symbol, or space will be entered
CUT - deletion of text or graphics that can subsequently be placed in a new location
DATABASE - a program that helps manage 1~rge collections of information
DELETE KEY - the key pressed to remove selected text or objects
DIGITAL CAMERA - camera takes pictures without film, and stores your snapshots as digital files
DISK DRIVE - the unit into which a floppy disk is inserted to be read or written by the computer
DOUBLE SPACE - horizontal line spacing which leaves one blank line space between displayed or printed lines of text
EARPHONES - peripheral units attached to the computer and worn over the ears allowing for transmission of audio signal
EDIT - the process of rearranging, changing, and correcting text or graphics
ENTER KEY - the key pressed to begin a new line in a word processor, or to signal the computer that data has been typed in and completed (also called Return Key)
E-MAIL - sending and receiving messages through a computer network (electronic mail)
ESCAPE KEY - a key that lets the user cancel the last operation and go back to the previous screen
FILE - a collection of information stored on a computer, network, or on a floppy disk, with its own ifie name
FLOPPY DISK - a removable disk that stores information magnetically
FONT - a set of characters with a particular design and size
FUNCTION KEYS - keys labeled from FL to Fl2 that can be pressed to do a certain task
GRAPHICS - digital images or pictures
HARD DISK - an internal device that a computer uses to store information
HOME ROW KEYS - on the keyboard, the keys A, 5, D, F, J, K, L, : and ; used in the QWERTY method of keyboarding
HTTP - (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) standard transmission format for the World Wide Web (Internet)
ICON - a small image on the screen that represents a file, program, peripheral, or tool
INDENT - to set in from the margin, as the first line of a paragraph
INSERT - the key used to switch between the insert and type over modes
INTERNET - the largest computer network in the world, reaching millions of people, on thousands of interconnected networks
ITALICS - style of characters which slant upward to ~the right
JUSTIFICATION - alignment of text on a page (left, right, center, or full)
KEY - the process of striking keys to record and display words and data
KEYBOARD - an arrangement of keys on a “board” that is attached to a computer used to input data
LASERDISC - optical disc on which images and audio are recorded for playback on a television screen or monitor
LOG IN - to gain access to a computer system, usually by entering user name (login) and password
LOG OUT - terminating a connection to a network
MENU - a list of options from which to choose
MONITOR - a device that displays text and graphics generated by a computer
MOUSE - a device that controls the pointer on the screen
MOUSE PAD - pad on which a mouse operates
MULTIMEDIA - blend of text, graphics, sound, animations, and video on the computer
NUMERIC KEYPAD - section of a keyboard, set up like an adding machine or calculator
PRINT - to produce a paper copy of information displayed on a monitor. A user can also print files, faxes, and screens.
PRINTER - a device that produces a paper copy of the information on your screen
PROOFREAD - to read text (copy) on the monitor or on a printout and to correct errors
RESIZE - change the size of a picture or graphic
RETRIEVE - bring stored files from a network or disk to work on in a computer
SAVE - to store a document for future use
SCANNER - device that transfers printed image into digital information on a computer
SEARCH ENGINE - an Internet index of information stored on sites around the world
SHIFT KEY - a key used to make capital letters and certain symbols when pressed in combination with another key
SHORTCUT KEYS - a single key or combination of keys used to save keystrokes or mouse operations
SINGLE-SPACE - to leave no space between lines of text in a document
SOUND DEVICE - a component in a computer that plays and records sounds
SPACE BAR - a long bar at the bottom of a keyboard used to create a blank space in text, moving to the right one space at .a time
SPELL CHECK - a program available in many computer applications that checks spelling
SPREADSHEET - a program used for managing, analyzing, and presenting information. Spreadsheets allow information to be sorted or displayed in a chart or graph as well as perform calculations on data.
TAB KEY - when pressed, moves the cursor to settings that are used to line up columns of text in a document or to move to data entry areas in programs or dialog boxes
TEXT BOX - graphic function in which text may be displayed separately from the main body of text
WINDOW - a rectangle on the screen that displays information. A window can contain small images (icons), a document, or an application.
WORD PROCESSOR - software that can be used to produce documents, including letters, reports, manuals, and newsletters
WPM - words per minute
WORLD WID WEB (WWW) - a section of the Internet that lets you access text, and a variety c f other media types of information
UNIVERSAL RESOURCE LOCATOR (URL) - address of a particular site or page on the Internet. For example, the URL of the Midland Internet server is (
VCR - videocassette recorder
VIDEO CAMERA - camera that records and plays visual images and sounds made on magnetic tape


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